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The rarest cashmere in the world, Chyangra Pashmina requires approx. 15 days and the fibers of three goats to produce a single shawl.

The fibers are so delicate that they’re mostly spun by hand.



Chyangra Pashmina is harvested when the Chyangra goats shed their warm winter coats in the spring. The fibers are collected from the fine, soft inner coat of their underbellies.


Locals then thoroughly comb the fibers to separate the Chyangra Pashmina from the thicker, coarser layer of wool that lies above it..


Raw cashmere is extracted from the Chyangra goat and is hand processed and hand-spun into yarn which is then woven into fabric on handlooms.

Handloom Weaving

We employ handloom weaving, the oldest method of manufacturing lengths of fabric, which allows us to weave more delicate fibers.

It requires a mechanical device to be manually stroked to create a weft between warp threads and it creates a distinctive and desirable character with a wide variety of possibilities from herringbone to baskets, checks and stripes in varying fabric weights.

This method doesn’t require electrical power and it allows us to maintain craft employment among the locals in Nepal.

Machine Loom Weaving

We reserve power loom weaving for larger orders. One supervisor looks after four loom operations, each of which turns 5x faster than a handloom.

The result is higher productivity and standardized quality fabric, textures and patterns.

Hand Dyeing

Our dyeing technicians ensure the quality of dyeing Pashmina fiber for color matching and the evenness of shades.

These talented technicians are able to create extraordinary effects including shaded colors, tie dye effects, shibori stitch dye effects, clamp dyeing and Ikats.

Screen Printing

In our surface ornamentation technique, dye paste is extruded through a patterned nylon screen mesh, transferring the design onto fabric.

Choose from options as diverse as classic stripes and animal skin patterns. All of our printed fabrics are finished with steaming and soaping to enhance color fastness and brightness.

Hand Guided Knitting

Nepalese Pashmina manufacturers also produce products and accessories via hand guided knitting looms - sweaters, scarves, gloves, pillows and more.

This is a skilled craft employed by a primarily female knitting staff. Every set of accessories is carefully coordinated to meet the exacting standards of fashion.